New York is the first city in America. When people come to take a visit of America, they always choose New York as their destination. New York has many world-famous tourist attractions and people can find them in the Hollywood movies. The Statue of Liberty is one of the symbolic building, which represents America. The statue is a gift to the people of United States from people of France. The meaning of freedom and friendship are shared by both countries. Today, the meaning of this statue is admitted by the world and when people see it, they think of freedom. On the right hand, the woman holds a torch and on her left hand is the book called Declaration of Independence. What's more, on her foot is the broken chains. All of these stands for freedom.
翻译: 纽约是美国第一大城市。大家去美国游玩总是会选择纽约作为目的地。纽约有许多著名的旅游景点,人们可以在好莱坞的电影里面找到。自由女神像是标志性建筑,它代表了美国。这座雕像是法国人民送给美国人民的礼物。自由和友谊的意义是由两国都认可的。今天,这个雕像的意义得到了全世界的承认,当人们看到它,就会想到自由。在雕像的右手,这个女性举着火炬,左手上拿着一本书叫做《独立宣言》。更重要的是,她的脚上有断开的链子,所有这些都代表了自由。