小学六年级的植物作文1 这是一个淡绿色小盆栽,盆栽中娇小玲珑的多肉植物同一个色调,远望,更多的是一种平淡且舒心之意。 多肉植物,故名思意,即植物营养器官肥大的高等植物。它们略带&ld...
六年级写植物的作文600字1 我喜欢植物,但一直只限于欣赏,极少动手养,但是也有例外。我的屋子里有一盆文竹,已经养了好几个年头。平时只给它浇水,但是生长得很好,远远地看去,那鲜绿的羽...
The Perfect Parents 完美的父母
Almost in every child’s eyes, their parents are not perfect, because they won’t give them whatever they want, or sometimes they will have argument. They want the perfec...
An Important Teacher 一位重要的老师
People always say that a good teacher can change a student’s lifetime, and I agree with it. I started to learn English since I went to middle school, but many of my classmate...
My Lucky Day 我的幸运日
Today, when I am going shopping with my friends, we decide to buy the product that is on sale. If we are lucky, we can gain the prize. We believe that none of us have such luck. Wh...
If I Get Angry 如果我生气了
Everybody will get angry when they have argument with others. The way to deal with the bad mood is very important. If we can’t handle well, we may lose the important person i...
My Promise 我的诺言
Early in the morning, my mother asks me if I can clean the floor, as she has to go out for a day. I say yes and then play computer games. Time flies. When I feel hungry, I find tha...
The Value of Books 书籍的价值
Everybody needs to go to school when they are six years old. They start to study many subjects. Half students fall in love with study, while another half take it as a job, they jus...
Who Decides the Future 是谁决定了未来
As a child, I get used to do what my mother tells me. I will get lost if my mother doesn’t give me the task. As I grow up, I realize that the future is at my hand, and I am t...
The Real China 真正的中国
Many Chinese people believe that the big country like America is very powerful and it is the capital of the world. Actually, people have been brainwashed by the Hollywood films and...