The Climate Is Becoming Hot 气候变热
Before the June came, it was raining all the time. I thought the summer would not be hot this year, but it turned out to be wrong. After a week, I felt the sun was stronger and eve...
Over the Heavy Rain 大雨过后
Many years ago, before I moved to the city, I lived in a small town. I was so close to the nature, I could see the mountain and the clear water. I remember the town became especial...
Facing Frustration 面对挫折
People always say in one life, they can’t be sailing plainly, it means people will meet all kinds of difficulties and they are easy to feel frustrated, the one who gets over frust...
Satisfaction Brings Happiness 满足带来快乐
There is classic story about a fishman and his wife. The fishman caught a golden fish and the fish asked the fishman to let it go for giving the fishman wish. The fishman’s wife a...
I Get Over Laziness 我战胜了惰性
My mother always says that I am a lazy girl, when she needs my help with her housework, I will say no to her, which annoys her. Since I was very small, my mother did all the things...
My Little Dream 我的小小梦想
Many years ago, I saw the movie Harry Porter and I was so impressed by it. The magical world was so wonderful that I wanted to live there. My thoughts were so active that I always ...
Protect Our Eyes 保护眼睛
There are many students in middle school wear the glasses, and many of them were wearing the glasses since little. We have to protect our eyes, prevent them from the short-sightedn...
The Disadvantages of Private Cars 私家车的坏处
As the development of the world, our country’s economy has become more and more better, people’s life standard has become much better, so people have money to amuse. Private car,...
Taking Care of your Teeth 保护牙齿
My mother always tells me not to eat too much candy, but I just couldn’t control myself. Once, I felt my teeth hurt and did not feel like eating. My mother took me to see the dent...
The Bitter and Happiness of Study 学习的苦和乐
Before I went to school, I felt so excited, because I was so curious about the campus life. Now I have been in middle school, after seven years’ study, I feel the bitter and happi...