I’m not that bad! 我没那么差吧? I’m short on cash! 我缺钱! I’ve got the blues! 我很郁闷! If I were you...=if I were in your shoes如果我是你... It kills m...
★、李明很能干。 li ming has a lot on the ball. ★、你刚才提到的那个作家只不过是个有名无实的人。 the man you‘ve just mentioned is but a poor apology for a writer. ★、他...
1.What’s the size?多大尺寸? 90X90 (Ninety by ninety)九十乘九十。 2.What’s the CMB? 体积多大? 0.07M3 (zero point zero seven cube meter)0.07立方米。 3.What’s the best...
I’m ecstatic.我高兴得忘乎所以了。 I’m thrilled.我太激动了。 I’m in heaven.我好象到了天堂。 Thank heavens!谢天谢地。 I’m glad to hear it.听到这个消息我很高兴。 I’ve...
I have something to confess.我有事要坦白。 I‘m keeping a secret. 我有一个秘密。 I‘ll fill you in. 我要把一切都告诉你。 I‘ll tell you all about it. 我要告诉你一切。 I‘ll tell ...
直截了当说贺节︰ Happy New Millennium! 千禧年快乐! Happy *Hanukkah! 如果对方是犹太人) 献殿节(光明节)快乐! 每逢佳节倍思亲︰ I‘ll have a blue Christmas without you. 没有你圣诞...
单刀直入法︰ Will you marry me? 你愿意嫁给(娶)我吗? Would you be my wife/husband? 你愿意当我的妻子/丈夫吗? 迂回暗示法︰ I think it‘s time we took some vows.我想是我们该许下誓...
1.Just wait and see. I won‘t let you get away with that. 咱们走着瞧。我不会让你得逞的。 2. You‘ll be sorry. 你会后悔的。 3. You‘re gonna get what‘s coming to you. 你会得到报应...
Go ahead. 继续。 Help me out. 帮帮我。 Let‘s bag it. 先把它搁一边。 Lose head. 丧失理智。 He is the pain on neck. 他真让人讨厌。 Do you have straw? 你有吸管吗? Don‘...
1.I‘ve heard so much about you! (久仰大名!) 2. I‘ll keep my ears open (我会留意的) 3. That‘s really something! (真了不起!)(英语口语 www.lyy5.com) 4. Be my guest (请便、...